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Evoluderm Mask

I find you today for a beauty test. I will tell you about my experience of masks at low price from Evoluderm.

These masks are very affordable and predict stunning results. Everything you look for in a mask is grouped together in each of these tubes! So I was really excited to test these little miracles. What I seek in a mask is hydration, purification and I have long tried to tighten my pores. I then turn to cheap masks, maybe they are as effective 
First I find the packaging quite efficient. It is sober, white, you see immediately what is the mask, it makes pro and it makes you want to trust. Moreover it has a more than respectable 150ml and it is made in France so it is good. Until then it is a no fault and in addition it costs only 4 € which is 40 dirhams in morocco.
At this price we would like to find a gold mine. It is found in the Stockomania and Sagas. These shops do stock-outs and we often make very good deals.

One thing is for sure is that if you have sensitive skin better not to try. It may well be that you do not react well to a component. If you do not have any sensitive skin these masks can be good for smoothing out the skin and cleansing a little bit the beautiful. Nevertheless the texture is very nice, it is easy to remove and apply. After this experience I remain adept at homemade masks.


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